PhD Student

My research as a conservation scientist focuses on anthropogenic interactions with biodiversity and how they can be mitigated. My dissertation research is based on the ecology and conservation of river dolphins in the Peruvian Amazon. Prof Brendan Godley and Dr Ruth Thurstan supervise the project, which is funded by the WWF Education for Nature Fund.
Between getting my master's degree and starting my PhD, I worked as a research assistant for the Peruvian NGO ProDelphinus. There, I worked on a number of projects with various stakeholder groups. I collaborated with fishermen to develop bycatch mitigation techniques that would be tested during their fishing activities. I worked with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Production (fisheries) to develop and publish the National Conservation Plan for River dolphins and manatees. In 2019, I investigated the economic impact of the whale watching industry on northern Peruvian communities. My publications on these projects can be found here.
Broad research interests
Marine conservation
Aquatic vertebrate ecology
Small-scale fisheries
2014 MSc in Biodiveristy and Conservation, University of Exeter
2011 BSc in Biology (Biodiversity), Universidad del Valle, Guatemala
Twitter @EliiCampbell
Email ec564@exeter.ac.uk